Welcome to Team Scotland

Hey thanks for checking out the page. Ben and Nate are really excited for you to be apart of their adventures in Scotland. If you haven't already check out the About Team Scotland section. You should get a good laugh out of that. Also make sure you check out our prayer requests and please pray. One of the most exciting parts of supporting us is prayer! Your prayers in the states(or wherever you might be) affect us all the way over here in Scotland. We hope to be updating every other Sunday so be sure to check back and see just what God is doing over here. Perhaps you'll read some great story or see a picture of how God has answered all of our prayers. To see full size pictures click on the photo album down there in the right column just under our Prayer section.

Sunday 9 March 2008

Scotland: Laying a foundation to build on.

Greetings Brethren! Ben here just stopping by to fill you in on the latest news. Nate and I have had several opportunities to hang out with our Scottish homies these past two weeks. We feel that effective discipleship starts with a solid relationship with your disciples. Jesus called the disciples first to be with Him, so in a like manner, we are taking every opportunity we can to spend time with the kids.

Our first adventure out of the city of Inverness took us to a Battle of the Bands competition at a local high school in Fortrose. Two of the “core” kids in the youth group are in a band called Sanctus Incendia (which we are told means “Holy Fire” in Latin) They describe their music as “Neoclassical Black Metal” a very interesting style indeed. The thing that struck me most was that when the boys took the stage, I heard several people in the audience saying, “Oh no, it’s the Christians!” and several people were booing them. The boys did very well despite the negativity and technical difficulties. With a little work they might be the next big Christian band out of Scotland!

One thing we take for granted in the states is how, for the most part, there is practically no persecution in our schools toward Christians. In getting to know these kids, I’ve come to find out that naming Christ as your Lord in school brings more than just verbal abuse, but physical bullying as well. I am so encouraged to see that despite the bullying, some of the kids still carry their Bibles with them to school.

In other news, we will be hosting a team of students from Calvary Chapel Bible College: York in 3 weeks time. We are currently planning several practical ministry opportunities for the team which include bible distribution, gardening, and a door to door prayer opportunity. The team will also be leading worship for the bible studies throughout the week as well as for Sunday morning service. Nate and I are also extending the opportunity for the team to lead the Thursday night group in worship, testimonies and a bible study. We are very excited and feel very blessed to have this team come and serve with us!

We are very excited and encouraged to see that God is growing the Thursday night study group. We now have a consistent group of about 10-12 kids showing up to hang out and hear God’s word. However, several of these kids are not saved, please keep praying that God would bring them to a point of salvation and give them a hunger to know Him.

Well that’s all for now! Sorry no pictures this week, but perhaps next time! Keep those prayers going!

This is Ben Peters signing off for Team Scotland.

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